Elementor #4105

<!– Exported from Voyant Tools (voyant-tools.org).
The iframe src attribute below uses a relative protocol to better function with both
http and https sites, but if you’re embedding this into a local web page (file protocol)
you should add an explicit protocol (https if you’re using voyant-tools.org, otherwise
it depends on this server.
Feel free to change the height and width values or other styling below: –>
<iframe style=’width: 756px; height: 723px;’ src=’https://voyant-tools.org/tool/Mandala/?view=Mandala&stopList=keywords-2608af740e08f06409ee90be1601436c&query=mundo&query=web&query=vida&query=forma&query=entender&query=espacio&query=lenguaje&query=humano&query=proceso&corpus=3ba06c7472f14852116f7fb6ce29398d’></iframe>